Making is easier than having good ideas

Clouds come in all kinds of shapes and most of them are not worth talking about. Every now and then they will take a shape that you didn’t expect, you’ll poke your friend on the shoulder and go “look at that one, it looks like a “#$@!” They might not see what you see in it or care about it. In a moment the cloud is gone.

Just like clouds, there are billions of songs, movies and stories that we don’t talk about. For a good reason, most of them aren’t worth caring about.

When I started making things I thought the greatest challenge would be to figure out how to actually make something. Now I know that anyone with enough practice can make basically anything they want. Making it isn’t the real challenge. The real challenge is to make something a stranger will care about.

It’s easy to have ideas - it’s hard to have good ones. And you probably can’t tell a good idea from a bad one until you poke your friend on the shoulder and make them look.

Ideas are as unpredictable as the shape of clouds.


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Two invisible steps before you make something